Friday, October 16, 2009

BTW...we're playing a show this coming Wednesday Oct 21st

Trophys, originally uploaded by iamcootis.

So we've got this show booked at Trophy's for Wednesday, Oct 21st. We'll be hitting the stage first at 9:00, followed by Radio Fallout and then Milk Thistle.

After this show we're planning on taking a small break to begin work on the EP. We're tentatively planning to begin the recording process on the 25th. We'll keep this updated and hopefully shoot some video of the recording process.

On another note, I have two more song ideas making their way to fruition. So, in a month or two (most likely two or three) look forward to "New Bruises" and "Studying Abroad."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We're playing the Parlor

After possibly the worst practice every last week, we've decided it's a great time to play a show. We've hooked up with the Parlor to bring you awesome music and hot, doughy pizza. Come check us out and let us know what songs you want to hear on our EP.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

picking songs for our EP

So.... we decided to invite some friends over to listen to our rehearsal and help us pick out which songs we would record on our EP. I know, I know... a brilliant plan. Anyway, after not burning down the backyard cooking for everyone it was time to come inside and melt people's faces off.

the results:
When we decided to record an EP we knew that "Google" and "The Hot/Crazy Ratio" would be on it. We needed to pick out two more songs. Every time we thought we had one picked out the following would take place:
(We play a song)
person 1 - Sounds great!!
person 2 - I didn't like it
person 3 - It was ok.

I don't think we had a single song that everyone agreed upon. So.... we have pretty much no idea what we're going to record on the EP at this point. THEREFORE - Come to the next show and give us a hand. Once you have retrieved your melted off face from the floor. Try to remember what songs you liked and let us know and we'll probably record them on our EP.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

FREE BEER + we're playing a show August 8th

August 8th show, originally uploaded by iamcootis.

So we've finally gotten our act together and are playing a show with Milk Thistle and Elery White at a new place up north called The Welding Shop Pub. They've been open about three weeks and showcasing bands every weekend with free beer shows. Be prepared for an awesome show, some new songs and some songs that we've rewritten.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kicking off our official blog!

I have some exciting news for our first post in our official blog. Soy Bombs are currently planning to record an EP, or at least we talked about it today in practice. Don't want to give away too much information, but the EP will contain 4 songs. If you have any input on what songs you'd like on the EP, let us know in the comments. We're tentativlely looking to start recording in August or September or October...whenever we have time actually.

We also have two new songs that we'll be adding to our set list: "Tired of Love," and "Annie Ray." And we're hoping to be playing a show in the coming weeks so stay tuned.